gitlab runner in GKE as shared runner
1 min readSep 14, 2022
this refer from
we need to create one yaml named as runner.yaml
import from the below link
helm repo add gitlab https://charts.gitlab.iokubectl create ns gitlab-runnerhelm install -namespace gitlab-runner gitlab-runner -f runner.yaml gitlab/gitlab-runnerIn above gitlab-runner-values.yaml we declared the parameters:
- gitlaburl: For gitlab CE this should be your gitlab-ce url. For enterprise users it is
- runnerRegistrationToken: This token is required for integration with your Gitlab Repositories. Add the token copied from above step(create a Gitlab project). You can also create a secret for registration tokens for security purposes.
- runners.privileged: While running docker in docker we need to enable it. This enables our runners to build and test docker based projects.
- concurrent: Number of build which should run in parallel
- runners.tags: tags that are used to select a runner
Once the gitlab-runner pod is up the registered Gitlab runners will be displayed in Gitlab, as shown in the following figure.