Azure APP service
Azure app service comes under PAAS (platform as a service) in azure cloud.
first discuss with azure app service creation
terms in azure app service
* app service plan
* VNET Integration
* private endpoint
* Access restriction
* the above the some of the important terms, every one must know in azure app service
- creation of azure app service
Note: we can deploy “multiple app service plan “ in one azure app service
remaing things leave “default” → click on “review +create”
After creting app service, click on” browse “ → to access application
Go to the networking section,
In above image, if we enable “private endpoints” then application access from private, ( access from VNET only)
If enable the above option “ Access restriction “ → application is “public” but it is accessible to allowed IP address
we must enable “VNET integration” , the outbound access connections has to go through the VNET only.
* if there are two app services, if the two app services has to communicate securely the we must enable “VNET integration”